I have been working on a tutu bow holder similar to what they sell on the internet. Theirs sell for $25 to $40. So, I made a pattern and got busy with my own design.
First I decided on fabric. This cotton fabric has cupcakes. I cut my main pattern from a lightweight piece of cardboard. I used this pattern to trace it on an old Cricut 12x12 mat that had lost all of it's sticky. I then cut the same pattern from a piece of cardboard, 2 pieces of cotton batting and a plain white piece of cardstock.
I used tacky glue to layer it up. First was the cardboard. On top of that was the Cricut mat. then on top of all that is the two pieces of cotton batting. I used clothes pins on the edges to hold it all down. Then I weighed it down with some books.
After all that was done, I began to work on the fabric. I layed my pattern down on 12x12 scrapbook paper and added 1/2 to 3/4" to the pattern all the way around. I cut that out and pinned it to my fabric. (single piece)
I let that side dry overnight and the next day I worked on the neck. Same procedure as above. Clip fabric, glue, and use clothes pins to hold until dry.
The shoulders and the bottom was the hardest. I glued the top corners down onto the backside of the top. I had to do some trimming here so I wouldn't have a lot of bulk fabric. After I got this adjusted, I glued the shoulder down, clothes pinned and let it dry before moving on to the other side.
I went ahead and glued a ribbon hanger on the back and glued my paper backing to the piece.
Now, it was time to get the sewing machine out and gather the tulle. I used it doubled and cut more than I thought I would need. I pulled the gathering thread and got it the width I needed. I pinned it and went back to the sewing machine and sewed each side to keep it in place.
I used both tacky glue and hot glue to get the tulle in place.
Once it was dry, I cut 2 pieces of 1 1/2" ribbon the length of the skirt. This is what my hair bows will be attached to. This ribbon is so cute. It has thread running down the middle and has thread bows. I have had it for a long time, just didn't have anything to put it on.
Next, I started working on the flowers. I took them apart and got rid of the stem and the plastic center. Then I glued each layer of the flower together.
I glued the flowers to the bow holder on top of where I glued the tulle . Lastly, I found three purple plastic button and ran ribbon into the holes of the buttons, tied them off with a knot and trimmed the lace.
Now it is ready for bows. Well, almost ready. I have decided that I left the skirt too long so I will need to shorten it. Then it will be done.
Like I said - this was my first and know I will improve as I go along.
Until next time - Jan
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